
Showing posts from 2022

Before the Storm, Santi and Tugçe, Spotify

Artist: Santi and Tugçe Track: Before the Storm

Monticello, Rodriguez Jr. - Spotify

Artist: Rodriguez Jr. Track Name: Monticello

Portugal, scooters - comparing prices, 2022 year, Lisbon

Portugal scooters - comparing prices, Lisbon  2022year Actions :     Superpedestrian  -->  -50% on all rides... in October 2022 per minute tariffs: Bolt   -  unlock -   free ,  0.20 € /min,  pause -  0.05 € /min ,  reservation  -  0.05 € /min ~  0.30 € /min overall ))  Bird  -  0.26 € /min,  deposit  at start  -  3 € Lime  -  0.24 € /min, as I got it if you pay with Google Pay, start deposit - free, in another case 1€  (up to 10 min - free) ..., but maybe it's for the first ride (if you know - let me know)) I'll update the article (a little tricky provider 😁) Superpedestrian  Link  -  0.28 € /min,  unlock  -  free Whoosh  -  0.15€ /min, start -  free  or  0.5 € , reservation -  0 €  for 10min,  - as I understood the price is dynamic and depends on demand scooters. daily plans: Bolt...

Interesting PHP composer packages, repos

Interesting PHP composer packages for your projects   ( to be continued ... ) jokkedk/webgrind  -  Webgrind is an  Xdebug  profiling web frontend in PHP woohoolabs/yang - Woohoo Labs. Yang is a PHP framework that helps you to communicate with JSON:API servers more easily. vimeo/psalm  - A static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications rectorphp/rector - Rector is an open-source tool that helps with automatic PHP upgrades and code refactorings in bulk. PhpStorm 2022.2 allows you to easily run Rector on your code base and selectively apply fixes in bulk. graham-campbell/result-type   -  An implementation of the result type netresearch/jsonmapper - Map nested JSON structures onto PHP classes lesstif/php-jira-rest-client - for creating tickets in Jira and using its API vlucas/phpdotenv - Loads environment variables from `.env` to `getenv()`, `$_ENV` and `$_SERVER` automatically. webmozart/assert  -...

Doctrine Secrets ... for me ))) from StackOverflow and other Internet resources

Doctrine Secrets Avoid using Doctrine’s Collection::matching method  - very useful when you work with the Doctrine collections Temporarily change fetch mode in DQL  - sometimes its useful Symfony2 and Doctrine - Error: Invalid PathExpression. Must be a StateFieldPathExpression You can use the currently undocumented  IDENTITY  function to select the FK IDs in a query:  SELECT IDENTITY ( c . parent ) ... or you must do $ qb -> innerJoin ( "c.parent" , "p" ) Left join ON condition AND other condition syntax in Doctrine use  Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr; ->leftJoin( 'a.installations' ,  'i' , Expr\Join::WITH,  ' = :page' ) ->setParameter( 'page' , $page) Count Rows in Doctrine QueryBuilder $qb = $entityManager -> createQueryBuilder (); $qb -> select ( 'count(' ); $qb -> from ( 'ZaysoCoreBundle:Account' , 'account' ); $count = $qb -> getQuery ()-> getSingleScalarResult...

Frontend'er tools (unfinished)

Frontend'er tools - MDN Web Docs is an open-source, collaborative project that documents web platform technologies, including CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and Web APIs. We also provide extensive 🧑‍🎓 learning resources for beginning developers and students.,output  - JS Bin is a tool for experimenting with web languages. In particular HTML, CSS and JavaScript, but JS Bin also supports other languages (like Markdown, Jade and Sass). - Glitch is the friendly place where everyone builds the web. Start a new blog , play with React , or build new worlds with WebXR . Let’s go! pnpm - Fast, disk space-efficient package manager - React form library - A tons of using hooks - jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor. JavaScript Playground  - cool frontend sandbox Validation: yup  & zod  , compar...

Онлайн инструментарий веб разработчика на php (список ссылок будет пополняться)

Онлайн инструментарий веб разработчика на php Blog - Use Mermaid syntax to create diagrams  - ссылочка на пост с примерами (по построению диаграмм на Marmaid-live editor (Mermaid’s Markdown-inspired syntax ) + екстеншн для VisualStudio code - инструмент построения схем базы данных с возможностью экспорта в sql файл - SQLlite - The Official home of the DB Browser for SQLite - онлайн IDE для PHP (интерфейс понравился :-) ) - много-языковая IDE (поддерживаемые языки указаны на скриншоте ниже) Frameworks: Cloud based IDEs Tutorialspoint codingground  - поддержка 75+ языков программирования Инструменты развертывания среды разра...