Linux tips and tricks for web-dev
Linux tips and tricks for web-dev's show file/folders rights in drxr & 777 formats : stat -c '%A %a %n' /<your_folder>/ monitor changing file : tail -f -n 10 var/log/dev.log download big file with cURL : curl --location 'https://<your_url>' \ --header 'Authorization: Token <token>' -o curl response with the following redirects : curl -iL --max-redirs 1 monitor folder recursively for changes : inotifywait -m -e create,delete -r /<your_folder> 6. removing all files in the folder except some needed in zsh : setopt extended_glob rm -rv -- ^(.git|.idea)(D) -r: Recursively delete directories and their contents. -v : Display what is being deleted. -- : Denotes the end of options to prevent issues with filenames...