
Showing posts with the label newbies

Doctrine Secrets ... for me ))) from StackOverflow and other Internet resources

Doctrine Secrets Avoid using Doctrine’s Collection::matching method  - very useful when you work with the Doctrine collections Temporarily change fetch mode in DQL  - sometimes its useful Symfony2 and Doctrine - Error: Invalid PathExpression. Must be a StateFieldPathExpression You can use the currently undocumented  IDENTITY  function to select the FK IDs in a query:  SELECT IDENTITY ( c . parent ) ... or you must do $ qb -> innerJoin ( "c.parent" , "p" ) Left join ON condition AND other condition syntax in Doctrine use  Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr; ->leftJoin( 'a.installations' ,  'i' , Expr\Join::WITH,  ' = :page' ) ->setParameter( 'page' , $page) Count Rows in Doctrine QueryBuilder $qb = $entityManager -> createQueryBuilder (); $qb -> select ( 'count(' ); $qb -> from ( 'ZaysoCoreBundle:Account' , 'account' ); $count = $qb -> getQuery ()-> getSingleScalarResult...