RDP & VNC on ubuntu 18.04


RDP & VNC on ubuntu 18.04 (cuts from sites which had helped me, unsecure! w/o SSH access)

sudo apt-get install xrdp
sudo apt-get update 

#if U love xfce, you can install it as your window-manager for ur remote sessions, but I don't
#sudo apt install xfce4 xfce4-goodies xorg dbus-x11 x11-xserver-utils

$ sudo systemctl disable xrdp
$ sudo systemctl stop xrdp
$ sudo apt purge xrdp

#to get work with rdp on ubuntu 18.04:

#allow vnc for tcp
sudo ufw allow from any to any port 5900 proto tcp

sudo apt install xserver-xorg-core
sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-all

И повторяем установку пакета xorgxrdp (and repeat install xorgrdp):

$ sudo apt install xorgxrdp

#for resolving connection problems on Windows mashines
sudo gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false

Screen sharing which is using VNC protocol you can easily set by using a mouse in the setting Sharing cection ... if it is hard for you I can provide the link for the article with a detailed description.

Below you can find additional links which may be useful too... )) I have met some difficult situations for beginner Ubuntu users... so there are some useful links.

#clean all settings (it's not necessary, I did it after cloning my Ubuntu VM) ! Use at your own risk, no warranties are provided and you have to understand what you do :-)
#gui for changing settings
sudo apt install dconf-editor
#console command
dconf reset -f /

#when I had problems with the virtualbox clipboard:

sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-x11
sudo VBoxClient --clipboard

You don't need to install all the virtualbox-*. I installed virtualbox-guest-dkms, which depends on virtualbox-guest-utils, and it recommended I install virtualbox-guest-x11, so I did so as well. It appears that the guest additions are working, and then $ reboot.

For me, I couldn't enable screen sharing, because I was running in "Wayland" (as that was the only desktop I could use). Well, Wayland doesn't support the screen-sharing option. I fixed this issue by switching to the original XOrg "Ubuntu" desktop. In order to get that to work, however, there was a battle...

Check out his post on this other thread: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1030338/ubuntu-18-04-wont-show-desktop-after-login/1130221#1130221

I had this problem from two new installs of 18.04. The fix that worked was running code below in a terminal and then rebooting:

sudo apt install vino

--- I don't use this vnc server, only save this for future attempts, ! Use at your own risk, no warranties are provided.
Use x0vncserver as explained in how to start a vnc server for the actual display (https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/how-to-start-a-vnc-server-for-the-actual-display-scraping-with-tigervnc/).

sudo apt-get install tigervnc-scraping-server
Then set a password

Then start the server with

 x0vncserver -passwordfile ~/.vnc/passwd -display :0
---- end (for x0vncserver) part.

Замена логин скрина для поддержки входа через VNC (it was one of the most important parts after I've installed RDP server, it's substitution of login screen which isn't able to connect VNC to display, only to a session which isn't suitable for me, so I've used this tutorial too, and it worked. 

#BONUS Ubuntu wallpapers
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-wallpapers-karmic ubuntu-wallpapers-lucid ubuntu-wallpapers-maverick ubuntu-wallpapers-natty ubuntu-wallpapers-oneiric ubuntu-wallpapers-precise ubuntu-wallpapers-quantal ubuntu-wallpapers-raring ubuntu-wallpapers-saucy ubuntu-wallpapers-trusty


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